Author: admin
När toppar faller (When Peaks are falling)
A sculptural body with the size of a lying human, with a topographically paper landscape and drawings of vulcanic craters (like holes seen from above) inside of it. The sound piece, a whisper, gave a metaphoric connection to the feeling of lost. “It is hard to demand that everything should remain standing…” (in Swedish). The drawings was about…
Eyjafjallajökull 2010
Drawing installation from the NASA’s satellite photos of Eyjafjallajökull’s vulcano eruption at Island 2010 (paper size A2). Pictures of reality seen from earth, translated into drawings. Each paper/drawing represented a date from the documented process, and made their own systematic composition throughout the papers as a collection (seen from left to right). A duration just like a…
If everything could be in reach
Drawing of the very top of trees. Presented hanging from the roof in a position/height that was just enough to reach. Not more, not less. If everything would be in reach, I would probably find myself as a dreamer.
Absurditet i realitet (Absurdity from reality)
Nine drawings with an absurd twist on everyday environments and objects. Together they were presented on top of rebuilt bottom parts of chairs, like a distorted flock that forced the viewer into the same close and concentrated position as the drawing process itself demands.
Concepción 2010
When a city can move 3,04 m everything becomes relatively in a strange way. Suddenly the references changes position and a place turns into an other. The question whether it is the same place or a new one, and how to relate to it then, was things that resulted in this work; a text piece.…